Sixphere is a company based in Spain, born in January 2016, with a purely technological vocation and oriented towards digitalization processes solutions mainly for industry 4.0.
Sixphere has a multidisciplinary team composed of members with high-level business and technical profiles, contrasted throughout their careers. We do like to provide real solutions, breaking away from limiting beliefs about difficulties in the digital transformation of the industry. But, after all, we are code lovers.
We are specialized in digitalizing Manufacturing Operations Management processes, deploying an innovative software system named Polaris, which provides new cutting-edge technologies to the traditional operation management systems, such as BLE-based proximity, industrial IoT, machine learning, digital twin, mathematical optimization and pure lean manufacturing practices.
Polaris is a Manufacturing Operations Management system, but including a great difference with the traditional ones, it aims to transform a workstation to a smart workplace, in which every event related to the production process is tracked, managed and stored, using a mix of complex IoT layer, enriched user interface, and proximity beacon devices.
Polaris produces a huge amount of data very valuable for security agencies and the head companies in the supply chain, this is basic in our key sector, the aerospace manufacturing European companies.
Our project in the Block.IS programme is to provide a new module to Polaris which allows the system to store that valuable data in an immutable environment. We will reach it using blockchain.
Block.IS Experience
We already have a product, Polaris Industry, a production management system in TRL9 phase, it is working and we have good feedback from our clients, but once a company has all its processes digitized the next pain is how to secure it.
Providing that functionality to Polaris, based on blockchain, with the help of Block.IS is a challenge for us, but introduce blockchain in our product will provide us with a lot of new opportunities in our business. Face this challenge joined with experts and mentors is a success guarantee, we are looking forward to starting this exciting project.

Our Smart Industry Platform, Polaris Industry, is already implemented in some of the
main companies in the Spanish Aerospace Sector Supply Chain. The information
they share, between them and also the Safety Agencies, have to be registered in
an immutable way.The addition of those assurance features makes Polaris Industry a very strong
tool to provide a more secure and performed European aerospace supply chain, in
that point the being involved in the Block.IS project, give our project a major push.