At LoanXchain we believe a functioning and fair financial system is the foundation of democracy. A system where savers get positive returns because have positive impact financing the real economy.
However, today’s loan market is far from our vision, the financing gap emerged after the financial crisis is making complex for lenders to lend, difficult for investors to obtain decent returns and impossible for people and SMEs to access financing.
LoanXchain, the first digital secondary loan marketplace, was born to solve all stakeholders’ needs. By digitally connecting lenders and investors, LoanXchain empowers circular lending ecosystem, where resources smoothly flow from investors to people and SMEs thanks to revamped lending capability. This spurs more growth in the real economy, which in turns generates more resources which flow back to savers and investors. Benefit for all!
Today, the secondary loan market cannot answer to the necessity of making loan transaction “business as usual”, LoanXchain radically changes the market with digitization of processes, greater transparency and reduction of costs.
LoanXchain, the first digital secondary marketplace for loans In Europe, digitally connects lenders and institutional investors making the sale of loans/ transfer credit risk simple, fast, transparent and accessible to smaller institutions. It solves all stakeholders’ needs, facilitating lenders transition to more efficient lending models (originate-and-distribute and originate-to-share), simplifying investment in loans and helping fulfil regulators’ requests.
Block.IS Experience
I am proud to be part of the Block.IS Programme! Block.IS gave us the chance to meet great professionals with relevant experience in fintech that are working on brand new solutions to change capital markets. This helped us confirm our vision of how blockchain is changing the financial industry from the ground up in the whole EU.
The mentors I met had a tremendous background in both tech and finance and are more than willing to provide constructive feedback on how to further refine your solution. I am thrilled to see what will come next.